Color Blind Pal

Support Color Blind Pal!

We need your help to keep Color Blind Pal free for everyone. If the app has helped you, please consider donating to spread the gift of color.

Why donate?

It costs us money to keep Color Blind Pal running. In addition to developer licenses and hosting costs, we also have to keep our development equipment up-to-date. We personally pay for these expenses.

What will my donation be used for?

We we will use any donations to help cover our necessary technical expenses. If we are able to pay for these expenses, any excess may be used at our discretion. This includes things like buying us a cup of coffee or a slice of pizza to keep our tummies happy. As such, donations are not tax deductible.

Donate now!

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We couldn't keep running Color Blind Pal without you. Thank you for helping spread the gift of color to the world.

Vincent Fiorentini, Color Blind Pal creator